Things To Come Mission

Countries Where We Serve


Brazil is a land of endless horizons, not only physically but spiritually as well. The needs are tremendous and opportunities abound for Christians to offer hope to this great nation by introducing them to the Author of life.


Team Cambodia is working together to bring the love of Jesus to this weary land. You, too, can be a part of the Team through prayer, communication and support.

East Timor

TCM is focused on East Timor due to its shared border with Indonesia, where TCM has worked since 1973. Through God's leading we are now including this rugged little country as one of the 11 countries of Southeast Asia.


In 2023 TCM decided to open Ethiopia as a field to be served by Team East Africa. Reagan & Jemima Mejia were assigned as the pioneer missionaries. Reagan participated in a survey of the country and its ministry potential and met key national contacts in January 2024. Following 6 months of orientation in Kenya, the Mejias entered Ethiopia in 2024.


Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim nation. TCM first established a work there in 1973 through missionaries, Vernon & Darlene Anderson. That work grew into the establishment of Gerejah Alkitab Anugerah (GAA) in 1979. GAA is the registered national Grace Bible Church affiliated with TCM in Indonesia. Indonesia is currently in the Release phase of TCM's Troas Strategy with the work being run completely by nationals. In 2024 GAA established a Missions Department in the hope of moving the work into the Partner phase of the Troas Strategy.


TCM began working in Kenya in 1986 following a summer trip by Vernon Anderson family in 1984. Vernon & Darlene Anderson and Ben & Joyce Anderson pioneered the work with many additional missionaries over the years. Kenya is currently in the Release phase of TCM's Troas Strategy, with the work being fully directed and maintained by Grace Bible Church (GBC) of Kenya. Ministries include church planting & growth, Kenya Grace Bible Institute (KGBI) a residential school that also hosts Grace Pastoral Training (GPT) and Bi-Vocational Training (BVT) modules, Berean Grace School of Ministry (BGSM) training pastors in the Coast region, along with women's, youth and children's ministries. Kenya also serves as the orientation base for missionaries serving with Team East Africa.


Contact the TCM office for further information about Malaysia.


In 2016 TCM formed Team Myanmar, a group of trained and qualified Filipino missionaries, to come alongside the Grace Gospel Churches of Myanmar. The goal of Team Myanmar is to foster the existing church planting ministry and outreach by providing thorough pastoral and youth/children’s ministry training.


In 1959 TCM started INTERNATIONAL GRACE BIBLE INSTITUTE as a training center to prepare Filipinos for ministry in the churches which were being rapidly established throughout the country. The establishment of churches and the training of national leaders has always been the main thrust of TCM's ministries and IGBI has served as an integral part of that strategy for over thirty years.

South Africa

On March 21, 2003, Dean Padayhag made a big leap of faith to go to South Africa where he ministered as a missionary under TCM for 3 years. He worked as an evangelist, trainer and a church planter. On December 3, 2005, Dean married gospel singer Sheba Buagas. Dean and Sheba have been TCM missionaries to South Africa since then.


TCM intended to enter Taiwan in 2020. However, the Covid pandemic closed the borders. The intended missionaries were redeployed to other countries. TCM does not currently have a work in Taiwan.


TEAM THAILAND: Pat & Adel Arcino, graduates of IGBI and GTCM in the Philippines and experienced in pastoral and training ministry, were assigned to Thailand as Team Missionaries. The Arcinos, with their sons, arrived in Bangkok in March 2024 for a year of intensive language study before commencing ministry as Team Thailand.


Uganda is currently in the Plant & Train phases of TCM's Troas Strategy. The previous church organization established by the original TCM missionaries, Carlo & Elma Pana, has been replaced with Abounding Grace Church, registered in 2022. TCM missionaries Roland & Beverly Improso, with Team East Africa, work alongside the Ugandan pastors to stabilize and expand the work. Abounding Grace Bible Institute (AGBI) was established in 2023 as a branch of KGBI in Kenya, to train ministry leaders.

United Kingdom

TCM has been affiliated with the Grace Fellowship in the UK (England) since the 1960s. The bond was strengthened when Barry Pumphrey came from England to be trained at IGBI and mentored by TCM missionaries in the Philippines. He was assigned as a TCM missionary to England in 1973 where he served with his wife, Kathy, until her death in 2023. Although no formal church was established, the Grace Fellowship held regular weekly, and later monthly, gatherings as well as the annual Grace Gathering at Cloverly Hall. The 50th and final Cloverly Hall Grace Gathering was held in 2022. Julia Liles Hong, TCM missionary to Cambodia, is a product of the Grace Fellowship and continues to be mentored by them.

United States

Things to Come Mission is dedicated to the task of preparing people for Christ's return through the message and methods of Apostle Paul. This involves preaching the gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone, training believers for ministry and leadership, and establishing indigenous local churches on all fields where we minister. TCM implements the 5 phases of the "Troas Strategy" for ministry on all our fields: Target, Plant, Train, Release, Partner. Things to Come Mission was founded by Herbert & Jessie Palmer and incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1955. The Hope Mission formed by mission-minded students at Milwaukee Bible Institute merged with Things to Come Mission to send out TCM's first missionaries to the Philippines in 1958. TCM is actively working in 14 countries outside the USA, and 3 additional affiliate ministries.