


Genesis & Verna arrived in Chiang Mai, Thailand on May 28, 2008 to begin the difficult task of acquiring the Thai language. On December 8 they were joined by TCM missionaries Nathan & Jessica Killion. They established a small Grace church and engaged in outreach endeavors through an English center, holiday events in a nearby village and home Bible studies.

The Killions left Thailand and resigned from TCM in January 2021 to pursue a USA-based ministry to university students.

During Covid, Genesis Maraat gained a doctorate in Organizational Leadership. In cooperation with the TCM Board and the TCM-affiliated national organization in Indonesia, GAA, it was agreed that Genesis & Verna would transfer to Indonesia in July 2024 to work in the STTAM Seminary.

Pat & Adel Arcino, graduates of IGBI and GTCM in the Philippines and experienced in pastoral and training ministry, were assigned to Thailand as Team Missionaries. The Arcinos, with their sons, arrived in Bangkok in March 2024 for a year of intensive language study before commencing ministry as Team Thailand.