Dean & Sheba Padayhag – Sept 2011

Cape Town, South Africa

Graduation 2011 Video

Joint Youth Fellowship-September 11, 2011

For the sake of His call … Serving the Lord together in love

Like any other foreign land: all things are different, people are new and places are unfamiliar yet the ultimate goal is the same: to save the lost and to edify the saints. As a young missionary, it is not just a mere adventure but a challenge of faith that should be responded to with wisdom and courage.

Having learned some of the interesting details of South Africa’s biological diversity, its wealth and treasure, its mountains and conservation areas, its toll roads and cities, all of which illustrate the riches and variety in this wonderful country, our hearts remain excited to go back there and be part of the rainbow country again. We believe that on this second term of our mission in South Africa there are big opportunities for us to reach to different kinds of people and introduce to them the wonderful message of Grace.

Our primary goal in South Africa is to be able to establish a strong urban church in Johannesburg city. We are equipping ourselves with some strategic plans and approaches to accomplish this goal.

Part of this plan is to mentor qualified individuals to help achieve this goal. Evangelism, indoctrination, training and discipleship are some of the few approaches that we have planned to use. Our music and evangelistic team will also contribute to the propagation and advertisement of our ministry. Another ministry that we are going to continue is the youth and children’s ministry.

As the Lord guides, it is our heart’s desire also to establish urban churches in other cities. Dean directs the work in South Africa and represents the South African ministry to TCM.

Dean speaks at General Assembly
Dean was given the opportunity to preach during Rhodes field High School’s 
General Assembly