Dean & Sheba Padayhag – December 2018

Cape Town, South Africa

Our Dear Ministry Partners,

Greetings from Manila, Philippines!

It is sad to let you know that we are still in Manila waiting for some documents from South Africa. The Non-profit Organization registration number that we expected to come out soon hasn’t come through yet. Our leaders said that NPO office returned our Constitution and Bylaws for minor revision. As of today, our board members are meeting to work on the Constitution then re-submit it as soon as they can before the end of this week. It would take another 3 weeks to wait for the result. Without the NPO registration number, we cannot apply for a 3-year Volunteer’s visa. The rest of the documents (e.g. bank statement, medical certificate and others) are easy to get. They are from our side. 

Please pray that God will help us through this process, strengthen our faith and extend our patience. For most missionaries, getting a visa is a mission in itself but we will be in South Africa in God’s perfect time. We are packed and ready go. 

Sheba and I celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary on Monday, December 3. We thank the Lord daily for each other, and for the family, ministry and people He has given us.

Meanwhile, we are continually helping a church building construction at Grace Berean Church-Las Pinas, Metro Manila as well as teaching the Word on weekends. We also received invitations to visit  churches and encourage them about mission. 

Thank God that despite our distance we can keep coordinating with our national leaders through internet our ministry activities and plans.

 Thank you for your patience, prayers and continued financial partnership with us. It is such an honor to be serving the Lord with you all.

For the sake of the Call,
Dean, Sheba, Shedea and Shedesh Padayhag
Things to Come Missionaries in South Africa