Kilgo–March 2024

Southeast Asia

Dear Ones,

Greetings to you in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Thank you for taking the time to read our updates.  May the Lord be glorified!

The Lord is blessing His work here and we want you to know about it.  The Body of Christ is amazing in how it works.  As His members, we all have wondrous opportunities to share the workload.  For instance, we are most likely believers because someone else shared their testimony with us or they shared the Gospel with us, correct?

I became a believer at age thirteen. It was another member of the Body who shared Christ with me.  While I already knew the basics of the Christian faith, it helped me to make that important decision after hearing the Gospel from a friend at church.  

My husband accepted Christ after we had our first child.  While he grew up in the Christian faith, he had not made that important decision until after he got rid of the lies that he had been believing (i.e. evolution).  Our pastor took the time to invest in him and he gave him texts on creationism. Suddenly, it all became clear and he knew that God is the Creator.  The Lord puts His members in the right places at the right times.  We just have to be ready and willing to be used by Him (even if it seems like an inconvenient time).

This week, our youngest daughter is sharing the Gospel in Cambodia.  The Lord provided her with the funds to go on this trip during her spring break.  I saw the video of her sharing the Gospel to some kids who were sitting on the street corner.  Obviously, there was a translator present.  I am praying that kids will accept Christ today!  Will you join with me in praying for their hearts to be open to Christ?  Will you pray for their parents to accept Him as their Saviour?

Thank you for being a member of the Body of Christ who cares about the lost.  Thank you for making the effort to pray, give, and do whatever the Lord puts on your hearts.  We’re all in this goal together- reaching others for Christ!

God bless you!

Love in Christ,

Pat & Michelle

Philippians 1:29