Kilgo–April 2024

Southeast Asia

Dear Ones,

Greetings to you in the Name above all names!  As I write to you on this lovely morning, I am watching my new granddaughter.  It is with utter amazement that I can hold her and observe her daily activities- eating, napping, and occasionally opening her newborn eyes.  The Lord is good (Psalm 145:9).

While I am in the States, my husband is continuing the ministries in Southeast Asia.  He pastors our church, instructs our Bible Institute students, leads a Friday night Bible study, among other various things.  The man wears many hats! 

Pray for those who will take up his responsibilities when he joins me in the States in June/July.  We are grateful to God that we have leaders on board who enjoy doing the Lord’s work.  It is a blessed thing to be a part of the Body of Christ!

We are also coming upon our tenth year in Southeast Asia, praise God.  Many of you have served alongside us since 2014.  Thank you for sharing our heart for ministry.

May the Lord tremendously bless you all!!

In His service,

Pat & Michelle and family