
History of TCM in Uganda

In March 2004 TCM Director Ben Anderson and missionaries Carlo & Elma Paña drove from Kenya to survey Uganda. They prayed, surveyed the capital city Kampala, identified the areas of of the city and enjoyed the many hills on which the city is built. We cried to the Lord and prayed, “Lord you brought us here in Uganda. Start your work within us so that we can plant a church and churches in different places in this country.” The Panas transferred to Kampala from Kenya on October 24, 2004 with all their belongings.

In 2013 Carlo & Elma Paña resigned from Things to Come Mission and the leadership of the Uganda Grace Gospel Churches of Christ (UGGCC) passed to the leadership of the Ugandan Grace believers and leaders including Chairman Steve Chwinyaai and Pastor Philip Walendo. During this time, GBC-Kenya leaders, Pastor Titus Kivilu and Pastor Peter Kagwi made several trips to Uganda to provide pastoral training. International Director, Ben Anderson, also made regular visits.

Believing that UGGCC would benefit from TCM’s more direct involvement and guidance in rejuvenating and strategizing to expand the work, TCM assigned Gardner & Ledith Improso to Uganda in 2022 for 18 months. TCM also formed Team East Africa in 2022 and assigned Roland & Beverly Improso to Uganda as its first missionaries.

A new church organization, Abounding Grace Church (AGC) was registered in 2022, and Abounding Grace Bible Institute (AGBI) was founded in 2023 as a branch of KGBI in Kenya.