
  • 4th most populous nation in the world
  • Most populous Muslim nation in the world
  • Archipelago spans 3000 miles east to west, same as continental USA
  • Relatively peaceful despite periods of strife over communism, democracy & Christian-Muslim conflict

TCM History in Indonesia

   Missionaries Vernon & Darlene Anderson left the Philippines in 1973 to begin a new ministry for TCM in Indonesia. They were quickly contacted by Freddy Siwi, medical student at Sam Ratulangi University in Manado. Siwi led a group of college students who had recently been saved via the gospel ship, M.V. Logos, and they were hungry for sound, Bible-based teaching. These students constantly shared their faith with others who then joined the fellowship under the teaching of the Andersons. Because of the boldness of this band of committed youth, they were persecuted by both religious and civil leaders. In 1975 the group organized as YIA (Grace Gospel Foundation).
In July 1979 the Andersons were forced to leave the country, but they left behind a core of competent leaders able to continue the work and guide the group to further expansion and development. As these college students finished their schooling, they found employment throughout Indonesia and their enthusiasm for evangelism and the truth of God’s Word followed them. In this same year TCM sent Mario Indino, a Filipino pastor, back to Manado where he married Ella, one of the active YIA members, and they worked with Pastor Kambey and others to start a Bible institute to prepare pastors to fill the openings for leaders in the upcoming congregations. Indinos were forced to leave in 1983.
Thus strong, maturing Indonesian believers were once again left to carry on the ministry. Thanks to able leadership by Dr. Frans Tamarol and others, as well as newly-trained grads of the Bible Institute, the work flourished, utilizing literature and regular Bible study materials published in the official language, Bahasa Indonesia. The Bible Institute and GAA office were transferred to Jakarta in 1987 to the rented house of Dr. Tamarol.
In 1986 Luz Gaddi, Bible Woman from the Philippines, entered Indonesia as a tentmaker missionary, teaching English Literature in universities in Surabaya and Jakarta. During open time she taught Sunday School seminars and classes for the Bible School. Luz assisted as proofreader for the Translation Committee on projects of Dispensational Theology and Bible Truth, by Chas. Baker and other recently published doctrinal books in Bahasa Indonesia.
Joel and Darcy Molina also joined the Jakarta teaching ministry in 1991, but they were forced to leave in 1993 because of visa problems.

As TCM International Director, Ben Anderson, began making annual trips to Indonesia to maintain the partnership between TCM and GAA. He typically invites another TCM missionary to join him in teaching an intensive course at the STTAM Seminary.

In 2023 TCM re-assigned seasoned missionaries Genesis & Verna Maraat to Indonesia. Their assignment is to join the STTAM seminary faculty and to work with the head of the newly formed GAA Mission Department, Maruli Marpaung, in moving Indonesia from the Release phase to the Partner phase of TCM’s Troas Strategy by beginning to send out their own missionaries.


Gerejah Alkitab Anugerah (Grace Bible Church) was established as the TCM-affiliated national church organization in 1979. Currently in the Release phase of TCM’s Troas Strategy, the ministry in Indonesia is fully led and maintained by GAA. In 2023 GAA established a Mission Department under the leadership of Pastor Maruli Marpaung.

Anderson Seminary Manado (STTAM)

   The first Bible training schools are now joined together into a seminary named after TCM’s first missionaries to Indonesia, Vernon & Darlene Anderson. Sekolah Tinggi Teoloji Anderson Manado (STTAM) is fully accredited with Indonesia’s Department of Higher Education and is located in Lembean, near Manado, A large donation of land has been developed that includes classrooms, dormitories, a library and auditorium. STTAM presents a curriculum of three years with an added period for internship training for dedicated men and women who plan to further the evangelism and church planting outreach. In 2024 GAA welcomed missionary, Dr. Genesis Maraat, to join the STTAM faculty.

Recent Updates

In 2009 GAA celebrated their 30th Anniversary with visitors from Philippines, Malaysia and Executive Director Ben Anderson from USA. During that ceremony in Jakarta, Johan Pandelaki, Head of the Translation Committee, presented the completed Dispensational Theology.
In May 2010 Ben & Joyce Anderson along with leaders from TCM Philippines attended RAKERNAS II in Balikpapan. Eighty pastors joined this planning workshop. Joyce was asked to cut the ribbon on a beautiful new church building in Tarakan, East Kalimantan, one of the first places reached by the original teams who went out for evangelism in Manado.

In June 2019 Ben & Joyce Anderson, Valerie Anderson Wynalda and James & Agape Bermejo attended GAA’s 40th Anniversary celebration in Manado as TCM representatives and guest speakers.

Southeast Asia Grace Conference (SEAGC)

 In May 2012  TCM held the first Southeast Asia Grace Conference on the island of Bali, well known for its Hindu-Bali culture and international tourism.

In July 2025 TCM plans to hold the 6th Southeast Asia Grace Conference in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.