Kilgo–April 2022

Southeast Asia

Hello All,
Greetings from Southeast Asia!  We hope this update encourages you.  We think of you often.  May the Lord bless you for your prayers and support. Here’s what’s been going on lately…
Since I was a small child, I have wanted to be a teacher.  Having the ability to guide and instruct others, especially in the faith, has always been a passion of mine.  It has truly been an honor to be teaching again! Currently, I teach three classes: basic English class, basic Bible class, and a biblical discipleship class.  I am using the Highway of Life material (dispensational curriculum) to teach new believers about rightly dividing the Scriptures.  
Pat is teaching through the book of Acts in our Bible school as well as First Thessalonians in our church.  We find biblical counseling to be a useful tool in ministering to our members’ needs.  Thus, it truly is a privilege to assist those who cannot help themselves (Galatians 6:1-2).
Our prayer requests:  stability in our parents’ health; wisdom for our church leaders; guidance in counseling our members; understanding in teaching others from different cultures; and a deeper intimacy with our Savior Jesus Christ.
Our praises: international borders have reopened after two years (praise God!); we are blessed to have good health; we are grateful for all of you!
Thank you for allowing us to be your hands and feet as we minister unto people of different backgrounds and beliefs.  Thank you for your commitment and faithfulness.  We are dependent upon the Body of Christ.  We love you, and we delight in hearing from you (1 Thess 5:25).  
Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday! 
Because He Lives,Pat & Michelle